Ageing is “a challenge for the Aged or their kids”
One thought is, child care is the only thing a married couple has a challenge balancing their work life with. But factually that is not all the couples, in the age group of 30 -55 have to face. They have to find a balance between their work life, the upbringing /education of their kids & well-being of their parents. And the best of people struggles to maintain this life balance. While they research what a growing child needs but often forget to reflect on what ageing is doing to their parents. Resulting in tougher situations to face in the form of complex ageing health issues. It need not be so, while there is no easy way to strike a perfect balance, a reasonable one is definitely possible.
Everyone would want to know tips for caring for elderly parents along with wanting to achieve carrier goals.
The first step should be acknowledging your parents are ageing which means they would be going through various physical & emotional changes.
Get some insight into how they are progressing, whether they are having joint problems, or are they becoming recluses if their memory deteriorates unusually? are they falling too often?
Address the Problem
Most ageing issues like Parkinson’s, Dementia may not be treatable completely, but research has shown, that early detection and some preventive measure slow the pace if not cure.

Make House Fall Free
If data is to go by, one in three elders has frequent falls due to weakening of muscles, eyesight…And for many of them that impact their mobility & emotional state. It’s of paramount importance that the house is made fall free, avoid steps in their later years.
Compassionate Caregiver.
Ageing is tough to accept by almost all. It’s emotionally very unsettling for parents to look at their kids for the help of any kind. If the older people in the house are working, it’s worth getting a compassionate caregiver to engage with them & ensure their days are regimented. A good caregiver can make a world of difference in the life of an elder & in fact to the family.
Unconditional Understanding; It’s often seen, that we tend to get into arguments that can be mostly avoided. This leads to all getting impacted…we must remember, now we are grown-ups who can mould & our parents are like kids. If we look back, we will realize most could be avoided. All we need to do is bring a change in our mindset.
Spend Quality time with them.
If not long duration, spend quality time with them, as often as you can as it is considered to be the most important tip for caring for the elderly.
While the best caregivers cannot replace the kids, having a good caregiver, who assists them in any which way, engages with them, and pampers them…will make a world of a difference, it would ensure the elders feel cared for. And they tend to be more receptive to your time limitations. And even the short time that you spend will be of Quality to them.
Collectively tips for caring for the elderly at home should be ensured;
We do not try to stress by reasoning with them, but understand it’s we who need to mould ourselves not to react to their changing behaviour.
Their health is not getting ignored. Periodic check-ups.
They maintain physical activity.
Nutritional diet or supplements in case of any weakness.
Best of elders’ hygiene and the room where they rest.
Try to interact with them, and give them frequent hugs.
Try to work around their likes & dislikes to the extent possible.
Make them participate in some decisions if not all.
Reward the caregiver by acknowledging her efforts.
I know, elders can be more demanding than kids many a time, often in denial of help. But a loving, understanding approach to addressing it as a duty you owe to someone who nurtured you selflessly will make all challenges surmountable. At work, you learn to live and work with people of varied personalities. These are your parents, stop judging them, just care unconditionally as they did. It would bring joy like no other.
Take it as a project, where despite personality clash you need to deliver result…. your loving & compassionate side will make the solutions easy.