Both Physiotherapy and Neurotherapy are a panacea for injuries or disabilities plaguing humanity. But the rehabilitative approach is quite different. Both are two distinct yet related approaches to healing the body. The difference between physiotherapy and neurotherapy lies in their treatments to help people overcome physical limitations and lead more fulfilling lives.
What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a medical science specialty that deploys natural body movements to address persistent motion-related issues interfering with everyday life. The therapy deploys biomechanics or kinesiology (study of human body movements), manual treatment, physical exercise, and electrotherapy to help patients restore, maintain, and enhance their physical mobility, strength, and function.
Physiotherapy is also known as physical therapy and is often used interchangeably. The techniques and mode of treatment are non-invasive and drug-free. As such, it is a preferred mode of treatment recommended by doctors and preferred by patients over surgical intervention. However, in certain situations, physiotherapy can be invasive and also involve the use of medications.
What is Neurotherapy?
Neurotherapy is a type of alternative medicine that focuses on improving the functioning of the nervous system through drugless holistic treatment. It is administered to patients suffering physical impairment caused by neurological conditions. It originated in India in the 1950s. It is based on ancient knowledge of the nervous system, Ayurveda, and principles of anatomy and physiology.
The process of healing involves physical, psychological, and biochemical aspects. Neurotherapy is commonly used to help patients with neurological conditions, such as:
- Alzheimer's disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Head trauma
- Sleep disorders
- Parkinson's disease
- Neuropathy
- Stroke
- Dementia
- Epilepsy
- Tumors related to the nervous system
Neurotherapy can potentially treat muscle weakness, balance, and coordination problems, involuntary muscle spasms and tremors, and loss of functionality.
Difference between Physiotherapy and Neurotherapy: In a nutshell
Physiotherapy interventions focus on the body. Neurotherapy focuses on improving brain function and activity.
Despite this inherent difference between physiotherapy and neurotherapy, there is some overlap. So while physiotherapy primarily treats the body, it can also involve the treatment of conditions that affect the nervous system, such as stroke or spinal cord injury. Neurotherapy treats brain functions but can also use interventions that affect the body, such as biofeedback for chronic pain.
Difference between Physiotherapy and Neurotherapy: Understanding the treatment
Physiotherapy should not be confused with neurotherapy, even though both therapies are natural.
Physiotherapy is based on the science of movement. Treatment is followed by physical activity such as exercise and massage. Additionally, some physiotherapists may suggest medications or perform invasive procedures. The most common is acupuncture or dry needling to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.
Neurotherapy treatment applies pressure on certain points of the body. Moreover, the usage of external equipment is limited in neurotherapy. But, physiotherapy uses equipment like TENS Machine (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation), Ultrasonic Machine, acupressure equipment, and massage equipment.
Neurotherapy techniques may include biofeedback, neurofeedback or EEG (electroencephalogram), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and mindfulness meditation.
Types of Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy can assess, diagnose, and treat a range of conditions that affect the body. It encompasses musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiovascular problems. The relaxation techniques it offers are a great stress buster. In addition to treating existing conditions, physiotherapy can help prevent future injuries or disabilities by improving posture, flexibility, and balance. Physiotherapists provide education on proper body mechanics and ergonomics.
Physiotherapy provides specialized regimens that cater to each patient's unique illness and needs. Various categories are:
Geriatric Physiotherapy: Emphasizes the care and treatment of aging adults to improve mobility and balance, build strength, and boost confidence in their physical abilities.
Pediatric Physiotherapy: Optimal physical development of children to manage or treat congenital diseases and acquired injuries.
Women's Health Physiotherapy: Although many people relate it only to pelvic dysfunctions, it covers issues related to other health disorders like osteoporosis, breast cancer, pregnancy-related or other chronic pain.
Neurological Physiotherapy: Physical rehabilitation techniques to treat neurological conditions affecting brain, spinal cord, and/or peripheral nerves.
Orthopedic or Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy: Physical treatment for a wide range of injuries, disorders, and diseases that affect joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
Cardiovascular physiotherapy: Specialized area of physiotherapy to limit physiological and psychological problems of cardiac patients and lung diseases.
Post-operative physiotherapy: Helps with pain relief, muscle strengthening, blood circulation, function, and movement after surgery.
Sports-Related Physiotherapy: Helps diagnose and treat sports injuries and enhance an athlete's performance.
Physiotherapists work closely with doctors and patients to devise and implement treatment plans tailored to each patient’s individual needs and limitations. Physiotherapy interventions may include:
- Physical exercise and stretching
- Manual Therapy
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy
- Dry needling and acupuncture
- Hydrotherapy
- Range of Motion (ROM) exercises
- Hot and cold applications
- Education
Important pressure points under Neurotherapy
The science of healing in neurotherapy is based on pressure points and massage. These physical points connect with different organs present in the body. Pressure is applied on certain points of the body for a specific period of time and in specific sequences. This directs the blood flow, releases required chemicals and corrects the malfunction of organs. The difference between physiotherapy and neurotherapy is that the latter works without any external interference, be it medication or invasive therapies.
Some important pressure points according to the Vedic philosophy are:
Adrenal Glands Point: Small triangle-shaped glands that sit above the top of each kidney. Produce hormones that help regulate the immune system, blood pressure, and response to stress.
Pineal Gland or Kundli Point: A tiny gland in the middle of the brain that produces the melatonin hormone. It regulates sleep-wake cycles, reduces infection inflammation, and slows down the effects of aging.
Liver point: Helps with detoxification, digestion, regulate the supply of blood to get rid of many diseases such as heart diseases, infection, fever, etc.
Necklace Point: An important point in treating headaches, migraines, muscle relaxation, and promoting a sense of calmness in mind and body.
Medulla Point: Medulla oblongata or medulla is called the “spinal cord of the brain.” Stimulates the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, acetylcholine, and dopamine, which can affect various functions.
Pancreas Point: Stimulation of the pancreas helps treat sugar-related issues, tumors, kidney disease, weakness, eye diseases, and skin problems.

Difference between Physiotherapy and Neurotherapy: In Table
Physiotherapy | Neurotherapy |
Physiotherapy focuses on the physical body (the hardware), including muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility/mobility. | Neurotherapy focuses on the nervous system's communication with muscles and coordinating movements (the software). |
Physiotherapy treatments are often localized and focus on addressing symptoms at the location of pain caused by injury or other physical conditions. | Neurotherapy aims to identify the source of symptoms by identifying neuro-communication problems, which may be caused by past injuries, inflammation, muscle dysfunction, and other factors. |
Physiotherapy helps one recover physically and manage conditions like arthritis, joint pains, cramps, and other chronic pains. | Neurotherapy is geared towards both physical and mental wellness. Optimizes optimize all aspects of recovery. |
Physiotherapy promotes health and addresses physical disabilities through the study of biomechanics and kinesiology. | Neurotherapy uses pressure points and electrical stimulation to the brain or spinal cord to alleviate pain and depression. |
Physiotherapy may involve a range of techniques, such as manual therapy, exercise, and modalities like heat and cold therapy, and medicines. | Neurotherapy techniques are drug-free and non-invasive in nature. |
Physiotherapy can benefit people of all ages and with a variety of conditions, including musculoskeletal injuries, neurological disorders. | Neurotherapy is often used to address specific mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Though, it is used to treat pain and other physical symptoms. |
Physiotherapy is typically provided by licensed healthcare professionals such as physiotherapists. | Neurotherapy may be provided by a range of practitioners, including neuro physiotherapist psychologists, and psychiatrists. |
Summarizing the difference between Physiotherapy and Neurotherapy
Physiotherapy and neurotherapy are both non-invasive treatment options based on natural processes. But they differ in their methods. Physiotherapy involves physical activities like exercises and massages. Neurotherapy analyzes brain activity and uses pressure points to enhance brain function.
While neurotherapy relies on pressure points, it may also involve equipment such as EEG machines to assess brain function and construct "brain maps." However, compared to physiotherapy, neurotherapy relies less on external equipment and more on natural techniques to restore balance and harmony in the body.
Physiotherapy plans in SenOcare
For anyone with a physiological or neurological condition, we are well aware of how it can impact their daily life. Your mobility may be limited, and maintaining independence becomes a constant struggle. This becomes more severe if the patient is elderly whose requirements can be more unique. This is where we step in to help. Our team will work closely with the specialists to provide you with the optimal treatment at home. Our physiotherapy plans consist of:
- One free Pre-Assessment on call by doctor that includes history, any injury, medications of the customer
- Session at your Place | As per your Time
- Compassionate care and support by qualified and experienced physiotherapists
Our approach to your physical goals combines the best of patient-centric and human-centric care. For a personalized approach to therapy, our experienced Care Managers at SenOcare are here to listen and provide a customized plan that fits your needs.
Call us at +91 8800 003 046 or email us at [email protected] for more details.
What is the difference between a physiotherapist and neuro physiotherapist?
A physiotherapist treats general physical conditions and injuries. A neuro physiotherapist specializes in neurological conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. Neuro physiotherapists have additional training and expertise in neurological rehabilitation.
What is the difference between neurophysical therapy and physical therapy?
Neurophysical therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy that focuses on treating conditions affecting the brain and nervous system. The purpose is to restore functional mobility, strength, balance, coordination, and wellness in people. Physical therapy is a broader field that covers a wide range of physical conditions and injuries.
Can physiotherapy be combined with neurotherapy?
Yes, both are not mutually exclusive therapies and can be combined. Some patients’ conditions may require working with both a physiotherapist and a neurotherapist. Depending on the patient’s condition, both therapists collaborate to create the right care plan for each patient.
How long does it take to recover?
Recovery depends on the extent of damage and how soon the sessions begin. Physiotherapy sessions not only boost stamina but also help regain confidence. Other factors like the morale and attitude of the patient and support from family members and caregivers are also important.
How much does SenOcare charge for physiotherapy?
The charge is INR. 1200 for each session.
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